Balance Your
own Books.
Comprehensive online course covering a guide
to accounting and tax for the creative entrepreneur.
The creative entrepreneur’s comprehensive guide to accounting and tax
Bolstered by her love of teaching, Digits founder Hanneke Barlow saw a profound need in the entrepreneurial space for new business owners to feel more confident when it comes to their company’s finances.
Imagine having the confidence, tools and tips to be in full control!
Do you hear the words ‘tax’ or ‘accounting’ and want to dig your head in the sand?
Look tax and accounting straight in the eyes, poker-faced
I proudly get to pass on my knowledge – my intellectual property
– to you.
My goal?
To empower you, a small business owner, to stand tall and feel confident about your business finances
Balance Your Own Books
Setting up & customising cloud-based accounting software
Personalised income + expenses blueprint
Automated products + services listings
Produce a tip-top invoicing process
Matching payments received + categorising money spent
Accounting for personal transactions
Sole Proprietors vs Companies
Tax Deductions
Independent Contractors
Provisional Tax
Income Tax
Turnover Tax
SARS E-filing
A comprehensive guide to accounting & tax
Screen Shots with step by step instructions to manage SARS E-filing
Income Statement Spreadsheet
Depreciation on assets tax deduction calculator
Home office tax deduction calculator
Simple Balance Sheet Spreadsheet
Invoice Schedule
Budget template
Who is presenting & when is the next class?
Hanneke Barlow, proud owner of Digits, a bespoke practice providing tailored tax and accounting services.
An accountant by trade, Hanneke Barlow also knows what it means to be a creative entrepreneur.
Balance Your Own Books is a fully digital course available to South African entrepreneurs from all parts of the world.
Digits started as a humble freelance service, but has since exploded into a trend-setting service provider that offers tailored tax and accounting services to creative entrepreneurs.
What is included?
Comprehensive class
Balance Your Own Books Online Access & Ongoing support via Facebook Group
Spreadsheets & Guides
Balance Your Own Books
Invest in a fundamental part of your business.
Who is Hanneke Barlow?
Hanneke marched out of a corporate job, black leather uppers in hand and decided that there had to be more to life.
With only enough in savings to cover one month to ‘make it work’ on her own.
Everyone was hesitant. Why would you trade security for anything in this world? Well, easily. Without breaking free from the downward spiral stealing your joy, you can never soar! Of course you have to have some sort of plan and most importantly, you must be willing to put yourself out there. You know that dream where suddenly you’re exposed and have nowhere to hide? Yip, that’s close to the feeling you’ll have when you put yourself out into the world, holding your breath while sounding as confident as you can.
What will they think? Will they think the price is too high? Will they laugh because I don’t have a series of doctorate degrees on the subject? Will they just laugh in my face because what makes me so special?
Darling, I’m here to tell you we’re all the same.
Every Insta famous creative who rocked up at my door had their own story of trials and tribulations.
Not even one came knocking with it all figured out.
I would look at their perfect squares and exquisite work and was gob smacked that even the brilliant ones were considering closing up shop because the pressure is so real & the money is never enough.
I want to take your hands in mine, give you a cup of tea, light a soy candle and tell you I have some answers.
What is included in the online class?
10 modules are covered in a series of pre-recorded video classes followed by the theory discussed in the video as well as links to all the resources discussed.
How does enrolment work?
Enrolment is open. Click on any of the ‘BUY TICKET NOW’ buttons or send me an email to book a spot for the class. The button will take you to an invoice with details to make your payment. Kindly send your proof of payment to and I’ll share the course access information with you.
How much access do I get to Hanneke?
The course is a digital course including video recordings where Hanneke presents a class on each module. She is available via the support group structure for frequently asked questions. A deep dive into your full portfolio may need a full, paid-for consultation.
At the end of the class you will have an opportunity to submit a review of the course which will give you access to a full hour-long Q&A call with Hanneke Barlow herself to answer any of your questions valued at R2,500.
What is the investment in the class?
The class costs R6,000.
How long can I access the class for?
Once payment for the class has been received, you will be formally enrolled and will have access to the Balance Your Own Books digital class with unlimited access to the digital content.
When is Balance Your Own Books?
The course is currently open for enrolment.
I seriously know nothing about the topic, is this class still for me?
Yes, this class is aimed at all levels and even the most basic understanding of rands and cents will be managed in the curriculum.
What do I need?
A laptop and good internet connection is the only necessity. Note that you should not attempt to complete this class via a cellphone, it is best to be viewed and completed from a laptop or desktop.
Have more questions?
What are the terms of purchasing this class?
The full terms of purchase can be found here.
Follow our journey.
And if you haven't already, DO checkout our Instagram account, we certainly raised eyebrows when we set out to use a creative's space to feature the supposedly boring subject of tax and accounting.